Daniele Sgandurra's Homepage

About me

UK Flag Professionally, I am a Computer Scientist specialised in cybersecurity, with expertise in threat detection, system protection, and cloud security. I hold a PhD in Computer Science and have obtained certifications including CISSP, CCSP, and AWS Certified Security - Specialty. My professional experience spans academia (University of Pisa, Imperial College London, and Royal Holloway – University of London), research centres (IBM Research and the Italian National Research Council), and industry (Finmatica and Huawei). In everything I do, I am driven by curiosity and a passion for tackling stimulating challenges, with the goal of learning, having fun, and protecting systems.

IT Flag Professionalmente, sono un informatico specializzato in sicurezza informatica, con competenze nel rilevamento delle minacce, nella protezione dei sistemi, e nella sicurezza del cloud. Ho conseguito un dottorato in Informatica e ottenuto certificazioni come CISSP, CCSP e AWS Certified Security - Specialty. La mia esperienza professionale abbraccia l'ambito accademico (Università di Pisa, Imperial College London e Royal Holloway – University of London), i centri di ricerca (IBM Research e il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) e l'industria (Finmatica e Huawei). In tutto ciò che faccio, sono guidato dalla curiosità e dalla passione per affrontare sfide stimolanti, con l'obiettivo di imparare, divertirmi e proteggere i sistemi.

DE Flag Beruflich bin ich Informatiker, spezialisiert auf Cybersicherheit, mit Fachkenntnissen in Bedrohungserkennung, Systemsicherheit, und Cloud-Sicherheit. Ich habe einen Doktortitel in Informatik und Zertifizierungen wie CISSP, CCSP und AWS Certified Security - Specialty erworben. Meine berufliche Erfahrung umfasst die akademische Welt (Universität Pisa, Imperial College London und Royal Holloway – University of London), Forschungszentren (IBM Research und das italienische Nationale Forschungszentrum) sowie die Industrie (Finmatica und Huawei). In allem, was ich tue, werde ich von Neugier und Leidenschaft angetrieben, um anspruchsvolle Herausforderungen zu meistern, mit dem Ziel, Neues zu lernen, Spaß zu haben und Systeme zu schützen.

Recent News

The paper, "EFACTLS: Effective Active TLS Fingerprinting for Large-Scale Server Deployment Characterization", has been published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management! Authors: Sosnowski, Markus and Zirngibl, Johannes and Sattler, Patrick and Carle, Georg and Grohnfeldt, Claas and Russo, Michele and Sgandurra, Daniele.

The paper, "Identifying Authorship in Malicious Binaries: Features, Challenges & Datasets", has been accepted at the ACM Computing Surveys! Authors: Jason Gray, Daniele Sgandurra, Lorenzo Cavallaro, Jorge Blasco.

The paper, "Protecting Voice-Controllable Devices Against Self-Issued Voice Commands", has been accepted at the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy! Authors: Sergio Esposito, Daniele Sgandurra, Giampaolo Bella.

Profiles and Contact
  • My research profile on Google Scholar
  • My GitHub profile
  • My certifications on Credly
  • A cybersecurity news platform I curate daily here
  • Email: me at danielesgandurra dot com